May 28, 2011


From my younger sis, YAN
I'll live on without close friends, but of course I hope I'll have a close friend in my life.
DUHHHH, who don't want one .___.

Hands up AGREE =D
Few weeks in Hamilton... Feeling lonely once I stop working...
Sitting down in front of computer, browsing the net..
But I'm not sure what am I looking at...
I'm just trying to kill my time...
Friends are really important in life, especially when you come to a place like New Zealand.
Where entertainment here is like nothing to us comparable back there...
Or I would say you'll have entertainment if you have friends...
I knew I needed some... But it's very hard to start...
I miss the life back in Welly a lot...
Where me Jaclyn Eellyeen can go crazy together...
Or just simple chit chatting in Long Bar...
There is my second home... And I try to make it there every once in a while...
Not only for you, because there makes me feel like home...

The start is always tough... Tom taught me a way to know friends..
He said rock on to the baddy hall...
Then you will be fine.. Ya, I want to...
But transport to get there is really troublesome...
And with where I stay now and who I stay with...
It is even worst...
I needed a car... I knew I need to move on...
Else I would say, this place would be killing me soon...
Being irritated sometimes...
But I would just ignore... Now I just needed a place to settle down...
I have no choice...
But hey, be optimist and I'll be going Auckland tomorrow with 2 new friends =D
Yay, my first step =D

Sometimes I really wanted to just cry out loud... But I knew I couldn't...
This is how I kept myself well...
What I did is just tears on my pillow... Or just in front of myself...
Few lines of tears... Keep myself relief..
And that's all...
I need to be strong... I knew it...
But you know what, I just want someone here...
To let me rely on... Would it be you?
I doubt... As I knew you wanted to stay, which means a lil longer or way long time before things could change...
Talked to one of my new friends and she said, it seems like with what he is doing now...
He could just go anywhere... But you know, once you're comfortable in one place...
You wouldn't want to... And this could be what he is thinking...

I wouldn't say my call to leave the place I love, to a place which is totally new to me is a wrong decision...
It is just a fresh start that I thought I could make it through...
But things are not always as easy as you thought girl...
So what can I do now?
Just to be strong! That's all!

Anyway, I'm just a simple lady that was hoping I got someone to rely on... Fairytale huh?

1 comment:

YanYan. 彦雁. said...

lol it's just like when I got into 4E1, total new environment with no friends =.="
it's even worse when you know your friends you once thought WERE close to you left you.
jie you'll be fine! :) 加油 le <3